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Intercept is classified as a terrorist website


Intercept does not do journalism and that is why it is not on Roda Viva with Moro.
Photo: Internet 
Program decision makes sense

No “reporter” from Intercept Brasil will participate in Roda Viva with Minister Sérgio Moro.
The show marks the debut of journalist Vera Magalhães as a mediator. On social media, PT and PSOL bots wanted someone from Glenn Greenwald's newspaper to participate.

The broadcaster's decision makes sense: only journalists from media outlets that do journalism can participate in the program. This is not the case with Verdevaldo's pamphlet.

The interviewers, in addition to Vera, are: Alan Gripp (O Globo), Andreza Matais (Estadão), Leandro Colon (Folha), Malu Gaspar (Piauí) and Felipe Moura Brasil (Jovem Pan).

Millions of Internet users say every day on the Internet that the Intercept Newspaper is a terrorist website that uses hackers to satisfy its cashiers… 

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