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Lacombe stands out and should take command of RedeTV! News, the broadcaster's main newspaper


Photo: Internet

Since the departure of journalist Boris Casoy, there has been much talk that Luis Lacombe, hired as the station's star, should take over the company's main newspaper.

According to Beraldo's column, it is only a matter of weeks before the final decision is made. Luís Ernesto Lacombe will take over the RedeTV! News news desk, alongside another journalist yet to be defined. The departure of veteran Boris Casoy is the natural path for the former Band and Globo host of Opinião no Ar to take over the main news program of the São Paulo network.

Currently, receiving peaks close to 2 points, RedeTV! News gives an average of 1 point, sometimes 1.5 points. Numbers celebrated in Osasco.

With a more conservative audience and taking advantage of Sikêra's program that airs earlier, the idea is to increase these ratings.

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