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Luz will have the biggest reduction in history after Bolsonaro pays off the Dilma government's debt.


The President of the Republic, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, is trying to lower fuel prices. However, federal taxes are not the only ones that apply to this type of product.
Now, the topic of the moment is the electricity bill, which will really be reduced. In recent times, the bill has only increased and caused notable dissatisfaction among Brazilians.

Bolsonaro's government paid off a loan debt that was taken out during Dilma's government, so the announced reduction is around 3.7%, until the end of this year. The debt had been taken out during the PT government so that Brazilians would not have to pay an exacerbated increase in the price of their bill in 2015, when the country was going through a water crisis.

The increase was initially avoided, but it was distributed in the following accounts. Bolsonaro then brought forward the payment to September of this year, when the payment was scheduled for 2020.

In addition to 3.7% this year, ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) announced that there will be a new reduction in 2020, this one of 1.2%.

With the debt paid off, consumers will no longer have to pay R$6.4 billion in electricity bills this year. With the reduction next year, consumers will no longer have to pay R$2 billion. In total, the savings that will come to Brazilians' pockets is R$8.4 billion, exactly the amount of the loan taken out during Dilma's government.

The loan from the Dilma government combined three operations and the resources were transferred in April and August 2014, and then again in 2015. When negotiated, 13 banks participated, including state-owned and private banks.

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