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Maia says Bolsonaro's first year in government was bad for Brazil


Photo: Internet

In an article published in the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, criticized the government of Jair Bolsonaro. The parliamentarian stated that 2019 “was a very difficult year for Brazil” and praised the actions of Congress and the Judiciary.

Rodrigo Maia stated that the Legislative and Judiciary branches organized themselves to “improve, correct and sometimes give new directions to the reformist impulses of those who tried to read the results of the 2018 polls with very particular lenses and under one-sided prisms”.

In the text, he praised lawmakers for rejecting provisional measures from the Executive Branch – this type of decision is a type of temporary law, imposed by the Presidency, lasting only 90 days, during which time Congress must analyze it and decide whether it becomes definitive or not. If lawmakers vote against it, the provisional measure ceases to exist.

Maia argued that deputies and senators moderated the “legal activism of a government that did not always listen broadly to the different voices of society” and curbed the “tension” caused by a conservative agenda in the area of customs.

The Speaker of the House stated that Congress resisted the actions of the Bolsonaro government, which “destroyed bridges” built by society. Maia also criticized the Planalto for failing to defend indigenous peoples and preserve the Amazon Rainforest and the Pantanal. Finally, he said that, for 2020, Congress’ mission is to apply what it has learned about the need to moderate the Executive Branch and contain setbacks in the area of culture.

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