StartWithout categoryProtests on March 15th against Congress and the Supreme Federal Court could spark a...

March 15th demonstrations against Congress and the Supreme Federal Court could trigger a Military Intervention in Brazil


Photo: Internet
The movements in support of the demonstrations on the 15th are constantly growing on social media, where both anonymous people and artists have come together to embrace this cause.

According to calls and shares, the planned demonstrations are based on expressing the people's demands against Congress.

However, due to the demonstrations, Maia and his group, together with the STF, want to criminalize Bolsonaro for an action that is completely public, which would be an extreme provocation to the military if that happens.

A few days ago, the Speaker of the Chamber was warned to act with caution regarding a video that Bolsonaro had published inviting the people to participate in the demands on the 15th.

The people are taking to the streets in droves, the powers that be want to counterattack the people and hold the president responsible for this, would the military stand by with open arms while this happens? The 15th will be a great day for Brazilian politics.

The population takes to the streets to assert democracy and show who is really in charge in Brazil.

Given this, do you think it is really possible for there to be a Military Intervention if the “powerful” counterattack? Comment!

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