The municipality of Pinheiro, in Baixada Maranhense, was the focus of the Fantástico program this Sunday (5).
Gabriel da Silva, in Pinheiro (MA) — Photo: João Paulo Guimarães |
The TV Globo program Fantástico showed the world the result of the lack of management by the Flávio Dino government after almost 7 years of management. The program even went to a landfill in the municipality of Pine, in Baixada Maranhense and showed the reality of a people who fight over garbage with vultures in a landfill. There the team found the boy Gabriel da Silva, 12 years old, who dreams of being a football player. He studies in the morning, but helps his mother, who is a garbage collector, in the afternoon. Gabriel went viral on social media after being photographed with a small Christmas tree, found in a landfill.
“I never had a Christmas tree at home,” says Gabriel, who was surprised by the impact his story had.
The person responsible for the immense reach that the story achieved was Father Júlio Lancellotti. He posted the photos on his social media after receiving them from the author, the photographer from Pará, João Paulo Guimarães.
In Brazil, 35,000 tons of waste go straight to landfills every day. Eleven years after the creation of the Solid Waste Law, which regulates waste disposal and provides for the creation of sanitary landfills, there are still more than 2,600 completely irregular landfills in the country. In Maranhão, of the 217 municipalities, only 11 dispose of the waste they produce in sanitary landfills. This means that 95% of the cities still depend on landfills.
Flávio Dino's dream is to appoint a successor who will continue his government project. If that happens, prepare yourselves for more misery, because if he continues with the mismanagement in Maranhão, the people will be even more screwed.