StartWithout categoryMarinho wants Flávio's head to elect Doria

Marinho wants Flávio's head to elect Doria


The investigations into Flávio Bolsonaro (no party, Rio de Janeiro) regarding alleged dirty dealings when he was a state deputy are already in full swing. Suspended in September by a single decision by Dias Toffoli, president of the Supreme Court, the carte blanche for the investigation to be resumed was given by Justice Gilmar Mendes. 

Confidential information about suspicious financial transactions is handled by the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Rio de Janeiro police, precisely the police that Bolsonaro, Sr., accuses of working at the behest of Governor Wilson Witzel.

 The investigation into the accounts and tax secrecy of Flávio and his driver Fabrício Queiroz began based on reports from the former COAF. The problem lies not only in the practice of “rachadinha”, but also in the name of who the money was diverted from the salaries of the civil servants. There is a smell of Marielle in the air.

Pretta Abreu


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