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Ministers in panic: STF interferes to prevent Auditable Vote


Paulo Eduardo Martins mentioned the Supreme Federal Court's efforts to block the measure

The chairman of the special committee that deals with the auditable vote, federal deputy Paulo Eduardo Martins (PSC-PR), acknowledged this Tuesday, the 6th, that the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) that makes the measure viable should not prosper in the collegiate. “The scenario is for disapproval,” he said, in an interview with CNN Brasil.

According to the parliamentarian, the mood changed after eleven parties joined forces to block the text. As reported by Revista Oeste, ministers of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) reached an agreement with party leaders. The game of musical chairs has already taken place within the collegiate body, in order to prevent the text from moving forward.

“There is an aggressive articulation taking place, with interference from the STF, this is public, after a meeting with the Court minister the change came, there is a lot of talk about harmony between the powers, but there has to be distance”, added the parliamentarian, mentioning that the discussion is stuck in the committee.

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