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Woman who claims to be Eduardo Costa's biological mother is attacked by the singer: 'God forbid'; See the photos


The name of singer Eduardo Costa, 42, has once again been one of the most talked about in recent days, this time he was surprised by a story that he described as unbelievable.

A woman identified as Maria de Lourdes contacted a TV columnist and claimed to be Eduardo Costa's mother. According to the woman, the singer was taken from her arms as soon as he was born and she asked the country singer to take a DNA test to prove the veracity of what she is saying.

When approached by journalist Felipeh Campos, from the program “A Tarde É Sua”, which airs on RedeTV!, Eduardo Costa was outraged by the woman's narrative and stated that he is absolutely certain of her origins.

The celebrity said that he, his brothers and his mother are physically similar, they are practically the same, that there is no logic whatsoever in Maria de Lourdes' version of having given her son to someone else to raise.

Photo collage of the woman who claims to be the singer's hand

He also recalled the time a man appeared claiming to be his father, that he doesn't understand why people do this kind of thing and that “God forbid, this is crazy”, said Eduardo Costa.

“It doesn’t make sense. I don’t do DNA tests because if there’s one thing I’m certain of in life, it’s that my mother is really my mother. If you think of a son who looks like his mother, that guy is me,” concluded the country singer.


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