NASA already has a mission prepared to study the asteroid Psyche 16, which is made of gold, iron and nickel, among other metals, and is valued at 700 quintillion dollars, millions of times more valuable than the entire global economy.
With this money, it would be possible to make all the inhabitants of the Earth billionaires, distributing US$1.4 billion to each person on the planet. But the point of attention is that it could generate a collapse in the global economy, completely devaluing gold, metals and even currencies around the world.
The body of the spacecraft is already planned and prepared, only the final adjustments and tests are missing, NASA plans to launch the exploration mission in 2022.
The asteroid was discovered in 1852 and is 226 km in diameter and is 370 million km from Earth. Another company that is interested in the asteroid and has made important progress is SpaceX, which is also planning a mission for 2022.
Where it is?
It orbits in the asteroid belt that lies between the planet Mars and Jupiter.
Leave your opinion in the comments about what you think of this mission, whether you believe it can enrich humanity and open space for space mining or collapse the world economy.