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The Directions of Brazil


When a country's main institutions lose their identity, the chances of that country going bankrupt are enormous. 

Photo: Internet
Brazil finds itself in this situation. 
After forty years of growing corruption, which has become cultural, we have the chance to once again be a country with honest and fair politicians. With the election of Jair Messias Bolsonaro and the appointment of Ministers of unquestionable technical ability, we see a light at the end of the tunnel. 

However, the corruption that has taken root in Brazil has reached gigantic, incalculable and unimaginable proportions. 
The gang that was formed during the “Diretas Já” movement gained enough strength and members to spread to all sectors. 
The Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches have lost their identities. The Legislative branch has overstepped its bounds, believing it has the right to invade the Executive branch, led by Rodrigo Maia and Davi Alcolumbre, respectively presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. 

The Judiciary has decided that it can go beyond its borders, entering the Legislative Branch and creating laws that favor the biggest criminals in the history of Brazil. Names like Lula and José Dirceu, among many others, have benefited from laws that emanated from the Judiciary Branch. 
The Executive Branch? Well, this is the institution that is becoming the most inoperative, leaving the President with the task of waiting for the paperwork to be brought to him, and then only having to take the trouble to sign the documents. 
As if that were not enough, other sectors have also been contaminated by corruption, and have begun to act against the government. An example of this is the dirty old press. The main media outlets, such as Rede Globo, Folha de São Paulo, Estadão, magazines such as Veja and Isto É, as well as websites such as UOL Notícias, never tire of attacking the President and his entire team, creating fake news and distorting others, trying to turn public opinion against the Presidency. 

The total lack of character seems to have become a prerequisite for the candidacy and election of politicians, STF Ministers and communications professionals. 
The situation has not yet reached even greater (and worse) proportions because social media is serving as a shield and weapon for Brazilians who want a country free from corruption and fight for it. 
Unless there is a radical change in Brazil's entire administrative system, there will be very little left to do. Since the Armed Forces cannot (or do not want to) intervene, either the people will take more drastic action, such as total strikes, as happened in May 2018, with the truck drivers' strike, or we will let the ship sink into the mire of corruption. 
Álvaro Henrique Metzger – Graduated in Literature, computer technician and freelance Web Designer 
– Christian, conservative and supporter of the fight against corruption. 

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