StartWithout categoryPaulistanos don't give a shit about João Dória and enjoy a sunny Sunday on the coast

Paulistanos don't give a shit about João Dória and enjoy a sunny Sunday on the coast


Photo: Internet
Dória's power over his state is very weak. The people did not listen and went to the coast to enjoy one of the few sunny days in the city of drizzle. 

The people of São Paulo today are taking walks in the parks, sunbathing on the beaches and even having barbecues at their buildings and friends' houses. 

The people did not give a shred of moral support to Dória and Covas's 'quarantine'. The only moral support is the president of Brazil who ordered the people to take to the streets on the 15th last month. One of the largest demonstrations even with the pandemic, and believe me, the number of cases did not increase. 
Apparently and according to the population's wishes, João Dória's credibility is going down the drain.

The governor of São Paulo is seeking a presidential candidacy, even though he has no control over his own state. 

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