StartWithout categoryPF receives permission to seek evidence against Dias Toffoli

PF receives permission to seek evidence against Dias Toffoli


Edson Fachin, a minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), has authorized the Federal Police to use data from two Lava Jato operations in Rio de Janeiro to investigate alleged sales of court decisions by Dias Toffoli. The information is from the newspaper A Folha de S.Paulo.
The PF claims that it needs to investigate the investigation against Minister Toffoli and that it needs this information to support its report.

Previously, Judge Abel Gomes, of the 2nd Region Federal Regional Court, decided not to authorize the search for evidence because it involved people with jurisdiction. Augusto Aras, the Attorney General of the Republic, expressed his opposition, since the Federal Police did not indicate who the suspects would be.
Fachin agreed with the Federal Police's theory that the plea bargain agreement of the former governor of Rio de Janeiro, Sérgio Cabral, could be used for other investigations.
The report produced by the Federal Police, to collect information against Toffoli, corroborates the accusation made by the former governor of Rio that the Supreme Court minister had received R$1.4T 3 million to grant a favorable court decision to Antônio Francisco Neto (MDB), then mayor of Volta Redonda.


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