StartWithout categoryMayor of Caxias do Maranhão is the first public administrator to pay off...

Mayor of Caxias do Maranhão is the first public administration to pay 13th salary, and sign bonuses for teachers


Last Saturday (07/12) the municipal employee of Caxias who checked his bank balance had a pleasant surprise, with the amount corresponding to the 2nd installment of the 13th salary being deposited into his accounts.

The first installment of the 13th salary was paid in June, and in great anticipation in relation to the calendar provided for by labor legislation.

With this, Caxias was the first Brazilian city to have paid the 13th salary of municipal employees, a great achievement if we consider the complicated financial scenario that the country is going through, and which serves to attest to the zeal, respect and commitment that guide the mayor's administration Fábio Gentil (PRB).


In addition to the 13th salary already paid, Mayor Fábio Gentil announced in a public ceremony that he will pay a salary bonus to teachers in the municipal network in January 2020, a commitment made by speaking directly to the category.

By guaranteeing the payment of labor rights, and as we can see, in advance, Mayor Fábio Gentil shows a show of administration and financial control. Managing Caxias' public resources well, which allows the municipality to pay off its commitments in advance, thus guaranteeing a merry Christmas and peaceful New Year's Eve party for employees.

Original content: Cocais Observatory

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