Amidst so much tragic news, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. A light of hope and comfort reassures us amidst so many difficulties! In the search for a city in constant development, the Mayor of Caxias lives up to the affection received by the people and shows that he is indeed a ten (10).
Even after undergoing surgery, the Mayor of Caxias, Fábio Gentil, spared no effort to bring more peace of mind to his people. This time, in São Luiz, our representative personally went to discuss health issues, more specifically regarding maintenance and improvements to the Carmosina Coutinho health system. On the occasion, the implementation of another UPA (Emergency Care Unit) was also discussed, in the incessant concern for the health of the people of Caxias. It is worth mentioning that, thinking about the well-being of the people, municipal law No. 2512 came into effect on Tuesday (16), approved by the city council with the authorization of the Mayor, which guarantees the city of Caxias to acquire vaccines against Covid-19.
Given the current scenario, Caxias is prepared for future eventualities with the implementation of new beds, trained professionals and an active municipal administration that is excellent in its dedication to the needs of the population, led by a kind man who cares about his people. Fábio Gentil is increasingly active in providing services that are fully committed to the needs of the people, considering that Caxias, in the past, was considered a symbol of national scorn due to a virus that killed as violently as Covid, the virus of political incompetence. We rest in the concern of those who lost their own father to a disease that does not choose color, social class or age. We are all subject to the same evil, hence it is clear that the value of the vote transcends the ballot boxes and numbers, reflecting through actions the trust placed in it that now, more than ever, is present in an increasingly better Caxias.