StartWithout categoryFirst survey of the year shows that President Bolsonaro has an approval rating of 75%

First survey of the year shows that President Bolsonaro has an approval rating of 75%


Photo: Internet 

An online survey, which has already interviewed more than 63 thousand people, indicates that, if the election were held today, 75,81% of the votes would be for Bolsonaro.

A survey conducted online shows that President Jair Bolsonaro has an approval rating of 75% among Brazilian voters. The survey was conducted through the Strawpool website, with votes from internet users.

The online survey shows that, if the presidential election were held today, 75.81% of the votes would be for Jair Bolsonaro. The survey, which uses the question/answer method, has already interviewed more than 63 thousand people. In the same survey, Ciro Gomes appears with 7.31%, Amoedo 7.12%, Haddad 2.89%, Doria 2.6%, Jorge Kajuru 1.5%, Ronaldo Caiado 1.42%, Luciano Huck 1.07% and Marina Silva 0.34%.

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