The results of this 2020 municipal election are giving a political death certificate to the PT and the left as a whole.
The Party that was once the spokesperson for the left and the hope of the Brazilian people, is in total decline, as a result of the marginal conduct of the vast majority of its main leaders who gorged themselves on public money and lost their fingernails from scraping the coffers from which they administered the public treasury.
But are they still alive electorally? Not the PT! The PT as it once was, is gone.
Fractionated, the 13 that became a zero on the left, pays the price and tastes its own medicine, because in addition to allowing and practicing corruption without any scruples, it was also an arrogant and radical party, positioning itself as the owner of an imaginary truth that they always assumed to be unique.
And from the constant discord, from the authoritarian arrogance, a snake was created.
Hence, a new, even more radical and purist left emerges, which occasionally, here and there, is represented as a diluted regional force represented by the PSOL and other smaller parties.
However, as the voice of the People is the voice of God, the Brazilian People are knowing how to separate the wheat from the chaff.
And the prediction is given: the left had its chances and opportunities, now it is carried away by the wave of the polls.
The signals that had already been given in 2018 are confirmed in the number of votes.
Our flag will never be red!