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HOW BEAUTIFUL! After much insult, Duarte and Rubens make a little heart on top of the trio


Photo: Internet

It's unbelievable what a politician is capable of doing to get into power. The anything goes game always prevails.

This is the case of mayoral candidate Duarte, who is now running side by side with defeated candidate Rubens Pereira. Both exchanged many insults and fierce discussions in several debates in the first round of the election.

The two attacked each other, including during election time. Duarte called Rubens a criminal. Rubens, in turn, said that Duarte was representing Bolsonaro in Maranhão. 

Now in the second round, Duarte Junior and Rubens even make a “little heart” sign on top of the trio, in an attempt to convey the image of “peace and love” for the “benefit of the population”.

How beautiful!

Today Duarte received important support from candidates Bira (PSB) and Rubens Júnior (PCdoB). Both showed leadership in São Luís in the first round. Progressive camp very well represented by them.

Published by Flavio Dino on Thursday, November 19, 2020


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