Many people are having difficulty understanding what the Bolsa do Povo 2021 program will be like. This action will be able to pay amounts that can reach up to R$$ 2,490 for some people.
Below we will explain in detail. Understand how this integration of different programs that already exist and payments, grants and financial assistance for millions of people will work.
Many people are wondering: who is eligible for Bolsa do Povo SP in 2021? The good news is that this number can reach thousands of new people, thanks to the way the program works.
The government of the state of São Paulo has approved this project that will unify several social programs into a single action (Bolsa do Povo). These are aid programs that already exist and others that will be expanded with training courses such as the Via Rápida registration, for example.
This combination of different programs will broaden the range of people who can receive Bolsa do Povo. To find out which one is best for you, we will provide a list of the main actions and their target audiences.
Another very common question: how do I sign up for the Bolsa do Povo program? Even with an integrated system between all platforms, the registration process continues to happen on each of them individually.
In other words, those who were already receiving assistance or a grant from a program will continue to receive it normally according to their contract. Those interested in new assistance should visit the official website of the action they wish to participate in.
For example: anyone who wants to register for Cursos Via Rápida 2021 must look for that program's own platform.
The most important thing now is to check the list of programs that are part of Bolsa do Povo. There are a variety of options: scholarships, employment and support grants for athletes of different levels.
Check out the list below and who can receive the benefits:
Renda Cidadã 2021: this program offers R$ 80.00 per month to families in vulnerable situations, with priority given to those who have small children at home;
Bolsa-Trabalho SP Program 2021: this action is aimed at those who have an income equal to or less than a minimum wage in the family and are unemployed. Access the link to find out how to register;
Youth Action 2021 Registration: this program will be aimed at young people up to 24 years of age. They receive amounts of R$ 80.00 for up to 36 months;
Bolsa Talento 2021 Program: the Talento Esportivo action will pay up to R$1,4900 through Bolsa do Povo for athletes of different levels. Payments will go to outstanding students/athletes from school level to international and Olympic level.
To find out how to register for Bolsa do Povo, click on the name of the program you are interested in and read more about it. Check out the prerequisites and the step-by-step guide to register.