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Senator proposes imprisonment of up to 8 years for people who refuse to take the vaccine


Senator Ângelo Coronel, from the PSD party in Bahia, wants to arrest those who refuse to take the vaccine against the new virus. He proposed a bill that provides for up to 8 years in prison for those who refuse to take the vaccine or spread ideas against the effectiveness of vaccination.

The text of the senator's bill proposes, for example, amending the Brazilian penal code so that it can classify as a crime “conduct of non-compliance with mandatory vaccination, dissemination of fake news about the effectiveness of the vaccine and discouraging adherence to the vaccination program”.

In an attempt to justify the enormous proposed penalty, the senator said: “It is urgent that measures be taken to contain this evil that could harm vaccination and further delay the country's exit from the health crisis caused by the pandemic.”

Ângelo Coronel also made it clear that the bill he authored does not only refer to vaccination against the new virus. “[…] the bill presented comes in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is also a necessary response to the sequence of drops in immunization rates in the Ministry of Health's campaigns,” he added.

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