StartWithout categorySHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE FOOT: Maia receives a message not to mess with Bolsonaro

SHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE FOOT: Maia receives a message not to mess with Bolsonaro


Photo: Internet

Rodrigo Maia is still on his treason tour in Europe, and it was from there that he received the message informing him to act with great caution regarding the news that Bolsonaro had shared a video calling society to take to the streets on the 15th, reports the subscription magazine Crusoé.

“If he were to add fuel to the fire, he would act like Bolsonaro. Tension in the political environment has been the “new normal” since Bolsonaro became president of the Republic. All he needs to do is maintain the old politics vs. new politics dichotomy,” said an ally of the president.

So, Maia, is the blackmail real? 

Sources from Brasilia inform us that Maia's allies are in pressure with the generals on duty. Rodrigo Maia may stay in Europe until after the 15th to avoid having to suffer hostility from the people. 

And more…. 

Demonstrations on the 15th could trigger forces for the military to believe in a possible military intervention.

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