StartWithout categoryURGENT: Coronavirus is cured with drugs used to treat AIDS

URGENT: Coronavirus is cured with drugs used to treat AIDS


Approved HIV drug may attack coronavirus, Chinese study says.

Photo: Internet
A drug that has been used in combination with others to treat HIV may be effective against the novel coronavirus that has emerged in China, a new study suggests. Shanghai researchers who simulated the action of the antiviral drug nelfinavir against a digital model of the pathogen say it has a good chance of working.

The suggestion came from a study by scientists at the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, led by Zhijian Xu. The scientist published a copy of the work this week in the preliminary study repository bioRxiv. The idea is to begin clinical trials soon, as soon as a bioassay, a test to determine the dosage of the drug in the laboratory, is completed.

— We are working on a bioassay now. As soon as we confirm it in cell culture and animal tests, we will try to use it directly on humans — the scientist told GLOBO.


Could it be that they have genetically combined AIDS with the pneumonia virus, creating a new virus that spreads from one to the other through sneezes and saliva, unlike AIDS, which is spread through blood and semen? If so, they have created a new disease that will never end.

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