In the same operation that just arrested the Secretary of Education of Rio de Janeiro, Pedro Fernandes, there is an arrest warrant for Congresswoman Cristiane Brasil. She has not been found and has not yet been arrested.
Pedro Fernandes, Secretary of Education in the Witzel government, has just been arrested. He is accused of leading a corruption scheme in the area he ran.
An operation by the Rio de Janeiro Public Prosecutor's Office and the Rio de Janeiro Civil Police is investigating alleged misappropriation of social assistance contracts between the state and Rio de Janeiro City Hall. Pedro Fernandes tested positive for Covid-19 and will be placed under house arrest. Three other people were arrested.
Cristiane was Secretary of Healthy Aging for the Rio City Hall and was appointed Minister of Labor in the Temer government, but her appointment was suspended by the Supreme Federal Court (STF).
Arrested in the operation.
- Pedro Fernandes, state secretary and former president of the Leão XIII Foundation;
- Flavio Solomon Chadud, businessman;
- Mario Jamil Chadud, former delegate and Flavio's father;
- João Marcos Borges Mattos, former director of financial administration at the Leão XIII Foundation.