StartWithout categoryURGENT: PF carries out operation in Maranhão against diversion of combat resources...

URGENT: PF carries out operation in Maranhão against diversion of resources to combat COVID


The Federal Police launched Operation Inter Pares today (22), with the purpose of dismantling a criminal group structured to promote bidding fraud and contractual irregularities, within the Municipalities of Bacurituba and Bom Jesus das Selvas. The contracts involve federal funds that would be used to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Initially, the investigated company's lack of economic capacity was found, and it was demonstrated that the cost of products sold was incompatible with the revenue earned in the 12 months prior to the monitoring period. As determined, while it acquired only R$33,000 worth of items from public contracts during the period under investigation, it sold more than half a million reais to the municipalities of Bom Jesus das Selvas and Bacurituba.
Furthermore, it was revealed that the main suspect used “front men” to appear as owners of the company that supposedly supplied the products, whilst simultaneously competing in these tenders by signing proposals on behalf of another company.

In view of these facts, the Federal Police served 6 Search and Seizure Warrants and 5 Asset Seizure Warrants. In total, 30 federal police officers complied with the court orders issued by the 1st Federal Court of São Luís/MA, which resulted from a representation prepared by the Federal Police.
If the suspicions are confirmed, the suspects may be charged with fraud in bidding (Art. 90, Law 8.666/93), simulated purchase and sale (Art. 96, V, Law 8.666/93), money laundering (Art. 1, caput, Law 9.613/84) and criminal association (Art. 288, Penal Code). Together, the sentences may reach 23 years in prison.


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