StartWithout categoryURGENT: Renata Vasconcellos is removed from JN and Globo

URGENT: Renata Vasconcellos is removed from JN and Globo


Presenter Renata Vasconcellos was removed from Jornal Nacional, on TV Globo, this week. In a statement, the broadcaster denied that the journalist has Covid-19. It said that Renata is recovering from a cold.

Initially, there was information circulating that the journalist from Rio de Janeiro, who recently received the first dose of the Covid vaccine, had been infected with the virus. Even with mild symptoms, Globo decided that the anchor would stay home for a few days. Her return was scheduled for last Thursday (15), which did not happen.

Presenter Ana Luiza Guimarães was chosen to share the panel with William Bonner.

– Renata Vasconcellos was recovering from a cold. She followed all safety protocols, and is expected to return in the next few days – says an excerpt from the text sent by Globo.

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