StartWithout categoryURGENT: “If Jesus really existed and came back today, he would be a transvestite”, says Fábio...

URGENT: “If Jesus really existed and came back today, he would be a transvestite”, says Fábio Porchat


Photo: Internet

Fabio Porchat causes controversy again with satire and becomes the target of criticism.

The statement was made when receiving an award for the film “The First Temptation of Christ” (Netflix) 

Should Porta dos Fundo accept the challenge and satirize Muhammad to measure the 'reaction' of Muslims? 

Porchat once again exposes the values of Christianity!

Religious groups have launched a boycott campaign against Netflix and the comedy group Porta dos Fundos. According to them, the film The Last Temptation of Christ, led by the group and distributed by the platform, constitutes blasphemy and an abuse of faith.

Do you think this kind of film is just comedy? Or is it 'culture war' with left-wing ideology?

Watch the video edleave your opinion in the comments!


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