Former governor of Rio comes clean and says he made illegal payments to the minister.
The Federal Police requested the Supreme Federal Court (STF) on Tuesday night (11) to open an investigation against Minister Dias Toffoli for an alleged illegal transfer of money. The analysis of the request is in the hands of Minister Edson Fachin, rapporteur of Operation Lava Jato.
Toffoli was cited by former Rio de Janeiro governor Sergio Cabral in a statement valid for a plea bargain agreement. He alleged that the minister received R$1.4 million in bribes to favor two Rio mayors in proceedings at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). The judge served on the Electoral Court between 2012 and 2016.
The request for an investigation was revealed by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo and confirmed by Correio with sources at the Supreme Court. The request was forwarded to the Attorney General's Office, which is expected to comment on the case. However, as of Tuesday night (11/5), it had not yet reached the office of the Attorney General, Augusto Aras.
The illegal transfers, according to Cabral, would have occurred through Hudson Braga, former Secretary of Public Works for Rio de Janeiro, and involved with the office of lawyer Roberta Rangel, Toffoli's wife.
In a statement, the minister denied any wrongdoing and said he was unaware of any investigation against him.