PSL deputy says that Daniel Silveira recorded conversation with Bolsonaro.
Carlos Laterça (PSL-RJ) spoke about a subject in a video published on social media.
Federal deputy Carlos Laterça (PSL-RJ) revealed last Sunday (21) in a video posted on social media that his bench colleague, Daniel Silveira (PSL-RJ), admitted that he recorded a conversation with President Jair Bolsonaro without authorization.
Why didn't Bolsonaro defend Congressman Daniel Silveira?
Responses from deputy Carlos Laterça (PSL-RJ);
“He revealed to me that he had already recorded some people, he had this bad habit, using it to promote himself. He told me that he had recorded the President of the Republic, I said 'my God, who is this man?'”, says Laterça, who says that the confession occurred during a trip made in 2019, when the PSL bench visited China at the invitation of the Chinese government.
Watch the full video:
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The deputy Carlos Laterça really thinks he's going to bring everyone down with his “João sem Braço” speech.
Laterça tries to turn the Bolsonaristas against Daniel Silveira!