StartWithout category“We will get out of this crisis before other countries”, says Minister Paulo Guedes

“We will get out of this crisis before other countries”, says Minister Paulo Guedes


Photo: Internet

The Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, said during a video conference of the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) that Brazil will return to growth within five months, after the end of the crisis caused by the Chinese virus.

“In five months we will be growing again. We will surprise. We will get out of this crisis before other countries, we will make money reach city halls,” said the Minister of Economy.

According to Paulo Guedes, to contain the overload on the Brazilian Health System (SUS), he believes that three months of social isolation will be necessary. But Guedes warns that the economy may not be able to withstand this entire period of paralysis without being affected.

“If the basic line of food, supplies, medicine works, ordering food at home. If that at least works, you can stretch a little. You can last one or two months. If that works, you can perhaps last three months without the economy completely collapsing. After two and a half or three months, the economy starts to fall apart. We are stretched, squeezed,” the minister explained.

Municipal Support

Representatives from the Ministry of Economy and presidents of municipal organizations from all over Brazil also participated in the video conference. During the meeting, which lasted about two hours, Paulo Guedes asked for support and partnership from municipalities to face the crisis.

“We will maintain the transfer of resources from the FPM [Municipal Participation Fund] at the same levels as last year to support the Municipalities, even with the sharp drop in our revenue,” assured the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes.

“Mayors are the ones who deliver health, sanitation and education, and now these measures and this money have to reach the end,” the minister pointed out.

The minister also asked for help from mayors to approve projects that could benefit municipalities and argued that reforms are even more necessary at this time of crisis. Guedes also defended the approval of agendas that promote the federative pact so that each municipality can decide how to allocate resources.

“The money must be available for the mayor to decide. There is no substitute for the local manager,” said Guedes.

“In five months we will be growing again. We will surprise. We will get out of this crisis before other countries, we will make money reach city halls,” said the minister at the end of his participation in the meeting.


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