StartWithout categoryWatch the video of Xand Avião expelling comedian Cremosinho from the stage

Watch the video of Xand Avião expelling comedian Cremosinho from the stage


There is nothing else being talked about on social media and at the end of this article you will be able to watch the video that is already circulating on the internet.

During this Wednesday, September 22nd, the subject exploded on the web, leaving internet users upset with the situation after the video showing Xandy Avião expelling Cremosinho from the stage at an event in the city of Fortaleza.

It is worth mentioning that the comedian from Caicó went up on stage at the invitation of the forró singer Zé Vaqueiro.

Organized by the singer Xand Avião himself, the party was to present the artists that are managed by him, such as Zé Vaqueiro, João Gomes, and many other boys who are successful with the young and interactive audience of social media.

And so, the party took place on the night of last Tuesday, September 21st, in which the singer humiliated the boy from Caico who was at the event at the invitation of his friend and said:

“You have other attributes! I’ve already seen a picture of you naked [SIC…]“

On social media, fans and friends of the comedian were outraged by what happened and expressed themselves through their profiles, with messages of repudiation of the disregard and humiliation suffered by the artist who fights with dignity to boost his career.

Click play and watch the video that shows how it all happened and see the exact moment when the forro singer takes the comedian off the stage!

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