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SHAME: Boulos lost in São Paulo to abstention and does not stop Bruno Covas


Photo: Internet

Little is known about the reason why the left is so “celebrating” the performance of Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) in these elections. Despite having gone to the second round with the current mayor of São Paulo, Bruno Covas (PSDB), the PSOL candidate even lost to abstention.

Boulos received 2.1 million votes, while 2.7 million voters did not show up to vote in the capital of São Paulo. This difference could be even greater if blank and void votes are added, which together totaled 880 thousand.

The difference between Guilherme Boulos and Covas was 1 million votes. The “hope” of the left was not as dreamed by supporters and encouraged by the polls, which pointed to a close race.

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