StartWithout categoryDo you drool while sleeping? Then you are very lucky; find out why

Do you drool while sleeping? Then you are very lucky; find out why


Few things in life are as pleasurable as a good night's sleep, where our body can rest with quality.

When we sleep naturally, our body rests and our energy is renewed, leaving us ready to live another day with intensity and health.

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However, not everyone has the privilege of falling asleep and staying asleep without the help of medication, this happens with those who suffer from insomnia, for example.

Sleeping is a physiological need and, if we don't get enough sleep, our body suffers the consequences, our health suffers, our stress levels increase and our mood changes abruptly.

Poor quality sleep worsens over time, so a doctor should be consulted when your sleep begins to be interrupted or when you notice that you are having difficulty sleeping.

On the other hand, many people sleep easily and with quality, even drooling on the pillow.

If you are If you are one of these people, know that you are privileged, because this means that your sleep has reached its peak, that you have completely switched off. Therefore, the quality of your sleep would be perfect!

Experts explain that there are several stages of sleep, such as:

– Non-REM sleep is slow and relaxing.

– REM sleep is when you reach the peak level of sleep, where dreams occur. In this phase, there is rapid eye movement, and it is at this moment that you drool, something that few people can do.

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