StartCURIOSITIESHow to check your CPF on Serasa for free?

How to check your CPF on Serasa for free?


Serasa always takes some actions so that consumers can pay off their debts with discounts, like the famous Serasa Limpa Nome, which is the largest debt negotiation platform in Brazil. 

On this platform it is possible to check the CPF status and you can now check the negotiation options available to close an agreement in up to three minutes, with discounts reaching up to 90% of the total debt amount. 


To find out if you have debt, you must first know that it is possible to do this in the palm of your hand. Simply download the Serasa app, which is available on Google Play and the App Store, and view the debt details. 

Access the Serasa website or app and click on “Consult CPF for free” and enter your login and password. If this is your first access, you will need to register immediately, which is also free. 

After logging in, click on “My CPF” and make the inquiry. On the same platform you can also check your Score. It's simple, easy and free to check your debts and settle your outstanding debts with this app or website. Access now and check out all available offers. 

But doesn't the debt disappear after a certain time?

You may have already heard that if the debt exceeds the five-year period, it is removed from Serasa's registry and the debt disappears, but this is not true. the creditor will still have the amount pending payment and therefore the best way is to pay off the debt as soon as possible, and clear your name once and for all. 

What happens is that after this period your name is removed from the list of credit protection bodies, but you still have internal restrictions within the institutions. Just because you no longer have a name on Serasa doesn't mean you'll get a new credit card, for example. 

To regularize the situation in this case, debts overdue for more than five years can be negotiated and paid directly with creditors, and you can evaluate your budget and see how much you can spend per month without compromising your income. This way you pay off your debt and don't make a new one. 


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